Tuesday, April 12, 2011


       How many of you hold your breath when in the school’s parking lot at the end of the day? All of us whose bus is parked in the second or third row of buses have noticed it. The exhaust coming from the buses left on idle are harmful to both our health and the environment. Bus drivers arrive to school approximately 20 minutes before classes end. In the winter, most of them leave the motors running that whole time.

       First of all, the unnecessary exposure to diesel exhaust can be linked to health problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, coughing and difficulty in breathing, decreased lung capacity, lowered resistance to infection and even lung cancer. Over 90% of the particles emitted by diesel engines carry their toxins deep into the lungs. It has also been found that exhaust levels are actually higher inside the school bus, and especially at the back.
Secondly, the exhaust, mainly composed of carbon dioxide, is very harmful to the environment. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas which contributes to global climate change by trapping the earth's outgoing energy as heat in the atmosphere.This exhaust, as it is filled with dirt and soot, also contributes to the odd colouring of the snow.

       In 2005, the New Brunswick Minister of Education announced an anti-idling policy for all school buses in the province. What is Quebec waiting for?!

       So, want to help the environment? Tell your bus driver about your concerns and ask him/her to keep the engine off!

Rachelle Urtnowski-Morin

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